Archive for the ‘New and Prospective Teachers’ Tag

Back to School   1 comment

Jasper with his beard stuck in a pencil sharpe...
Image via Wikipedia

When I was a kid, my mantra for having a perfect school year was try really, really hard harder than the year before, and pay attention. I started the school year the same as everyone else, with the right school supplies like sharp pencils, a brand new notebook, and new clothes. Add to that my daily chanting while in class, and perfection was just a breath away.

But I was flying solo. Eventually, the deep distrust I felt for school would penetrate my body. No one had any idea what to make of me, and I knew my learning process, so vastly other than the system I must try to learn in, would never be free from such a rigid educational culture and narrow teaching methodology. I felt dumb, alienated, and experienced an array of somatic symptoms that were the bruises and cuts that sliced my body into fragments of my true self.

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